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MUSIC STAR Pino Daniele

MUSIC STAR Pino Daniele
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MUSIC STAR Pino Daniele

It is one of the leading figures of Italian music. An artist original and strong personality, who scored several decades of our music scene. He could not therefore fail, in the rich bouquet of web radio signed 105, a station on line entirely dedicated to the musician Neapolitan. Music Star Pino Daniele offers a comprehensive overview of the artist’s long career. From his debut in 1977 with the album “Terra mia”, the last album, released in 2012, “The great mother.” During this long period of time, Pino has composed songs and memorable albums (to name a few, “Black in the middle”, “Go mo ‘,” “Beautiful mbriana”, “Ferryboat”): all online at Music Star Pino Daniele . And not only that. Because, as is tradition for webradio 105, this issuer surprising the listener with songs precious, hard to find. So you can enjoy the duets of Pino with great figures of music, from Franco Battiato to Giorgia, Francesco De Gregori Fiorella Mannoia, Jovanotti from Mina. Passing through collaborations with Al di Meola, Wayne Shorter, Chiara Civello and comedian Neapolitan Massimo Troisi. Do not miss the most exciting live, in which Daniel knows how to bring out all its warmth (and charisma) Latin. For true fans, there are also new versions of his classics, reinterpreted for the album “Groundhog Day 30”. To get excited again, listening to “Napule”, “Quanno chiove”, “I say i ‘sto ccГ ”, “Je so’ crazy ‘,” Yes I know my way “,” I like me’ or blues “…MUSIC STAR Pino Daniele official website address is www.105.netItalyMUSIC STAR Pino Daniele
Land: Italy
Genre(s): / /
AAC: 128 Kb/s | FLAC(Hz): 192000
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MUSIC STAR Pino Daniele
MUSIC STAR Pino Daniele
MUSIC STAR Pino Daniele
It is one of the leading figures of Italian music. An artist original and strong personality, who scored several decades of our music scene. He could not therefore fail, in the rich bouquet of web radio signed 105, a station on line entirely dedicated to the musician Neapolitan. Music Star Pino Daniele offers a comprehensive overview of the artist’s long career. From his debut in 1977 with the album “Terra mia”, the last album, released in 2012, “The great mother.” During this long period of time, Pino has composed songs and memorable albums (to name a few, “Black in the middle”, “Go mo ‘,” “Beautiful mbriana”, “Ferryboat”): all online at Music Star Pino Daniele . And not only that. Because, as is tradition for webradio 105, this issuer surprising the listener with songs precious, hard to find. So you can enjoy the duets of Pino with great figures of music, from Franco Battiato to Giorgia, Francesco De Gregori Fiorella Mannoia, Jovanotti from Mina. Passing through collaborations with Al di Meola, Wayne Shorter, Chiara Civello and comedian Neapolitan Massimo Troisi. Do not miss the most exciting live, in which Daniel knows how to bring out all its warmth (and charisma) Latin. For true fans, there are also new versions of his classics, reinterpreted for the album “Groundhog Day 30”. To get excited again, listening to “Napule”, “Quanno chiove”, “I say i ‘sto ccГ ”, “Je so’ crazy ‘,” Yes I know my way “,” I like me’ or blues “…MUSIC STAR Pino Daniele official website address is www.105.netItalyMUSIC STAR Pino Daniele
Land: Italy
Genre(s): / /
AAC: 128 Kb/s | FLAC(Hz): 192000
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